Content Writing, Display Banners, Flyers, Graphic Design, Logos, Promo-Merch-Swag, Social Media, Website Designs
banners, flyers, logo design, merch design, social media, website design
About This Project

Since 2010, we have been intricately involved with the George Brothers, addressing a variety of their marketing needs. Our journey with them includes designing merchandise and swag, creating distinctive logos, managing fundraising ventures, producing album covers, overseeing music distribution, and handling social media management. Building on this extensive collaboration, the brothers approached us with an ambitious vision: to create a central “umbrella site” that would serve as a hub for all their entrepreneurial and artistic endeavors, including their band, music studio, guitar sales, and various other subsidiary companies. Understanding the complexity of integrating multiple business facets into a single platform, we designed a streamlined, user-friendly website. Our focus was on clarity and ease of navigation, ensuring that while the site housed extensive content, it remained uncluttered and inviting. This central hub now effectively supports their diverse business needs and enhances user engagement across their varied ventures.